Innovative Learning Grants

 Innovative Learning Grants 2023-24

The Mountain View Los Altos High School Foundation awarded over $100,000 toward Innovative Learning Grants for the 2023-24 school year.

The Innovative Learning Grants are a competitive application process, and grant recipients are required to submit a written evaluation of their project’s outcome within two weeks of completion of the project. “These grants are intended to foster innovation while cultivating exciting new collaborations among students. The projects may also serve as pilot programs which, if successful, could become part of the curriculum in the future,” said Brigitte Sarraf, retired Assistant Superintendent of Education Services, who oversees the grant selection and evaluation process. Congratulations to the following grant recipients and projects approved in Rounds 1 and 2 for the 2023-24 school year.

Awards were based on the projects’:

  • scaling potential, such as incorporation into the curriculum, shared future use by others in the course team, and potential for replication across the district
  • impact on student learning, such as enhancing depth of knowledge, applicability to addressing real-world problems, and  interdisciplinary approaches to problem-solving
  • effectiveness in challenging students to make connections and discover alternative problem-solving.
Adult Transition Recipients and Project
Round 2 approved October  2023

Jay Ruby, Louisa Danford, Lark Leet, Lily Wang, Adult Transition Program: ATP Customized T-shirt Design Project

Alta Vista Grant Recipients and Projects
Round 1 approved May 2023
  • Bonnie Michalek, English: Always Running author, Luis Rodriguez
Freestyle Grant Recipients and Projects
Round 1 approved May 2023
  • Leo Florendo, Digital Media: SF MOMA field trip
Los Altos High Grant Recipients and Projects
Round 1 approved May 2023
  • Bianca Aguirre, Cathy Dao, Kim Jones, Perla Luna, Michael Smith, American Lit, Making Literature Come Alive Word for Word
  • Bianca Aguirre, Susana Herrera, Positive Psych: Team Building at Shoreline Lake
  • Sarah Alvarado, Nicolas Betancur, Student Leadership (ASB & SCL): Trauma-Informed Practices for Student Leaders
  • Adam Randall, Karen Davis, All levels of Physics: Magnetics & Electrostatics Demonstration and Student Experiment Equipment
  • Trina Mattson, Chemistry and Chemistry Honors: Battery Design Project
  • Linda Hambrick, James Stiltner, Greg Stoehr, Heather Laederich, Darren Dressen, Kristi Schramm, Human Biology, Bio/BioH, Environmental Science, Chemistry, and AP Environmental Science: Science Exploration in the Virtual World with VR headsets
  • Jacob Russo, Agricultural Ecology: Establishing a Vermiculture/Composting System
Round 2 September 2022
  • Jessica Hill, Andrian Romero Sanchez, ELD 1, 2 & 3: An introduction to scientific observation and scale models
  • Jessica Hayes, Jacob Russo, Physical Science and Visual Arts: Bio Art
  • Archana Venugopal, Linda Hambrick, Biology and Environmental Science: Ecosystems models
  • Silja Paymer, Linda Hambrick, Elizabeth Pyne, Stefaan Lodge, Environmental Science and Biology: Understanding the Environment through Board Games


Mountain View High Grant Recipients and Projects
Round 1 approved May 2023
  • Tom Chang, Visual Art/CTE Commercial Art: World Art Trading Cards
  • Jared Darby, Brendan Dilloughery, Architectural Design/Engineering: Structural Builds for Earthquake Testing
  • Carla Gomez, Steven Kahl, Journalism: MVHS Oracle Hands-on Design
Round 2 approved September 2023
  • Wei Lu, Jennifer Chiu, Mandarin: Trip to Chinatown
  • Tami Kittle, Folklorico Dance: Costumes and supplies to enhance studies and perform cultural dances
  • Julie Williams, Physical Education: Restorative Yoga
  • Stephen Widmark, AP Physics C/E&M: MV Space Rocket Launch
  • Stephen Widmark, AP Physics C/E&M: Photoelectric Effect Experiment
  • Gina Dunsmore, Physics: Planetarium Field Trip
  • Gina Dunsmore, Science Department: Modernization of equipment 
  • David Cmaylo, AP Biology: Enhanced Learning Muscle and Nerve Devices
  • Nicole Higley & Minako Walther, Japanese: Taiko Drumming Learning Experience
  • Tom Chang, Publication Design: Broadcast Journalism at MVHS