What is the MVLA High School Foundation?
The Mountain View – Los Altos (MVLA) High School Foundation was established in 1982 to support the MVLA Union High School District. We solicit donations from parents, community members, and businesses to fund academic programs and services for our local high schools. The Foundation’s Board of Directors is elected yearly and is comprised of parent and community volunteers. Their time and energy enable the Foundation to maintain low operating expenses so more of every dollar donated goes directly to student programs.
Why is the Foundation Needed?
Educational funding depends on property taxes, parcel taxes, bond measures, the state economy, and other factors that can change from year to year. Unpredictable funding challenges our high schools when building needed programs and delivering the top-notch education our community expects and values. The Foundation provides stable resources for district-wide academic programs that cannot be funded by individual schools or groups such as the PTSA. Without funding from the Foundation, many valuable programs and services would not be available to our students.
How Can I Help?
The Foundation has committed to raising $2,368,000 for programs and resources in the 2024-25 school year.
To meet this goal, we suggest a donation of $1,250 per student or whatever amount is meaningful to your family. For parents who are particularly excited about providing Innovative Learning Grants to teachers and staff, we ask for an additional donation of $250. We hope parents will consider the value of Foundation-sponsored programs in their student’s high school experience.
We need everyone’s participation to meet our goal, and the contribution from every family makes a difference.
Interested in Volunteering?
Working with the Foundation is a great way to stay involved in your child’s education as they move through the high school years. The easiest way to get involved is to volunteer at our annual Phonathon in October. It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year and it’s easy to sign-up online.
We may have other opportunities for parents and community members to serve on our Foundation Board or on a committee. Contact us at info@mvlafoundation.org and tell us about your talents and interests.
Other ways to contribute:
- If you are a real estate agent, join the Honor Roll of Realty.
- If you are a local company or corporation, contact us at info@mvlafoundation.org to discuss sponsorship opportunities.
How Do I Donate?
The MVLA High School Foundation is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit 501(c)(3) corporation (tax ID 94-2848246), and all donations are tax-deductible.
Visit our Donation page to:
- Pay by eCheck or credit card
- Mail in a donation check to MVLA High School Foundation, P.O. Box 1146, Los Altos, CA 94023-1146
- Set up recurring payments from your bank account using your bank’s online bill pay system or from a credit card
- Set up stock or Donor Advised Fund (DAF) transfer
- Make a pledge
If you have questions, please call 650.940.4650 x7017.
When Do You Need My Donation?
We ask for your donations now! Contributions will be put to work immediately to benefit this year’s students.
What if I Can't Donate the Suggested Amount?
Each family’s situation is unique, and we understand that it may not be possible to donate the suggested ask per student. We gratefully accept donations in any amount and encourage you to donate an amount you feel is meaningful to your family. No donation is too small, and each gift is important in helping us reach our annual fundraising and participation goals.
What Does the Foundation Fund?
Donations Benefit the Community
Strong schools help keep property values high, and make communities desirable places to live and work.